I already miss her

April 2020

I F E E L // a little jipped.

We had it all planned out.

Long winter days snuggled up together on the lounge watching Offspring & Friends reruns.

Afternoon walks to pick up the boys, just her and I enjoying the sunshine and winter breeze.

Coffees dates with other mums chatting all things feeding, sleeping and milestones.

Midday naps, because we can.

I know rationally and logically, we have no choice and that what we are doing is what we need to be doing. But, I can’t help but miss what we were supposed to have.

I feel a little ripped off with my mat leave. A time that we were supposed to have together, a time we were supposed to spend bonding has been bombarded with children and overtaken by homeschooling. My feeding time is now an agility task as I man the constant snack requests and tantrum diffusions. And lordy, if I didn’t have the boobs, I wouldn’t even get to hold my sweet girl 😒 According to my eldest, she’s is not mine, she’s ours.

So while I know we could be much worse off, and I am very grateful to be in the position to have us all home safe and sound.. I would be lying if I didn’t say I am a little sad that we won’t get our newborn mum and bub time like we had planned.