A letter to E's Daycare
December 2018
To Eman’s beautiful carers,
Almost 6 years ago I wandered into your sweet little centre & soaked in the place that would soon become a 2nd home for our boy. The walls laced with artworks & fingerprints cuddled in the soul that was Campbell St. The joy that bounced off your faces as you spoke to the kidlets was infectious & the warmth that underpinned each room felt special and cherished. We fell in love with CSCC that day as you toured us through the laughter & love that mingled at our feet. And over the past 6 years that love has grown with every new teacher, every new room, every new experience.
Thank you for adoring Eman as much as we do. For pulling him from my tightly wrapped arms as he screamed for me not to leave him. For hugging him day after day while he sobbed & warmed up to the place I knew he adored as soon as the tears passed.
Thank you for being open to the constantly changing ways he wanted to be put to sleep. For not laughing me off when I explained that he needed to be rocked & patted simultaneously, or when he was going through the exclusive pram sleeping fad. For warmly & lovingly settling him the ways he wanted to be settled.
Thank you for being the third parent in our family - helping to bottle wean, toilet train, kick the dummy, support the bunny transition, expand his food options & drop his day naps. The struggles we would have at home were always eased knowing you guys would follow along in support and sympathy to work with us.
Thank you for really knowing E & what makes him thrive and learn. For actually enjoying sitting with him as he asked you to draw Lightning McQueen for the 400th time & for building wonderful lessons around his love of cars, dinosaurs, LEGO and writing.
And finally, but most importantly, thank you for loving E. For 3 days of every week for the first 5 years of his life, you wonderful people were ‘his’ people. His rock when he felt worried, his hug when he felt sad, his cheerleader when he succeeded, his mum when mum had to work.
You were his family, our family, and we will be forever grateful for the nourishing, supportive, fulfilling and beautiful start you gave him.
Love & gratitude,
J x
Professional Photography Credits Mel Hill Photography