The love from afar
April 2020
T H E L O V E // from afar has been overwhelming.
In the last month we have been inundated with kindness and magic in a world that’s encouraging isolation and loneliness. We’ve been blessed with the type of generosity that you don’t think you deserve but somehow keeps arriving at your doorstop - literally.
It seems that even the strict social distancing laws can’t keep our dear family and friends from thinking of us and ensuring we are well looked after.
While we haven’t been able to have any real life visitors 😔 we’ve felt the love in so many other ways.
We’ve have knock and run food deliveries, homemade dinners and sweet treats.
We’ve opened the door to find toilet paper, baby gifts and nappies on our welcome mat.
We’ve had honked horns, driveway chats and window waves to welcome baby Willow.
We’ve received generous parcels, beautiful flowers and heartfelt cards in the mail.
We’ve been congratulated and loved on through FaceTime, phone calls and social media.
It’s amazing, that in a time when it’s easy to feel alone, a time when human connection is being held ransom that the sacredness of relationships still come up trumps. It’s shown us that there are people in our lives who continue to show up, continue to help out and continue to love hard even though there are obstacles on every corner. And oh, how we adore these people.
So thank you, to each and every one of you who have been the magic in our lives this past month. We are grateful beyond words. It’s reminded us that while the world is shit right now, goodness still prevails and love always wins.
This iconic photo depicts this moment in time so well.. it was taken by our dear friend, Manda @thisloveandchaos today as she dropped off a delicious gift and adored baby Willow from afar. What a story it will tell for years to come.