How to 'Kinder Mum'
January 2019
Tips for mums of first timers from a teacher of newbies.
1. Cry in the carpark. You are gutted - you know it, they know it, we all know it. BUT! Calm your farm, smile, breathe & tell them how much fun they will have & how you are just so god dang busy with all of your hypothetical errands that you won’t even think about them until pick up.
2. Be prepared. Within an inch of your eye balls. Clothing, lunchboxes, frozen drink bottles, undies and socks all out and ready for the rote school morning calamity. All will go wrong, without a doubt, so being organised and minimising the shit fight will be your saving grace.
3. Leave them alone. Don’t hover, probe, speak for them, linger or mollycoddle. Step back, play it bloody cool and be one of those parents who look like they are nailing this first year of school thing. These kids don’t actually need a manic parent making an impression on the teacher before they even have a chance to prove their worth and find their place.
4. Trust your parenting. Know that you have actually done a killer job raising your kid to deal with the mountains of unknown that will hit them in the face every bloody day of their first year. Kinder will bring all sorts of new situations into their life, and subsequently, your life – classes without friends, days without hats, friendship breakdowns, wet socks & spilt yoghurt. You know they’ve got this – because you legend, have provided them with the skills to overcome that bout of fear, worry, nervousness or distress. Let them figure it out themselves, and then you’re on the money. High five yourself!
5. Read with them. Full stop.
6. Enjoy the ride. Relish in the hour long story about the castle they built that had a moat AND a flag and at least half listen to the 14 page novel they wrote about their cat & what it looks like in the morning. For soon they won’t even want to be seen with you.
You’ve got this mumma
J x
Professional Photography Credits Mel Hill Photography